‘Suicide Squad’ Movie Review

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Since advance screening reviews started coming out, I’ve read about not so favorable reviews. I’m not a fan of DC comics but I have seen all of the movies. I totally enjoyed the movie from my stand point. It’s an enjoyable summer time popcorn movie. I thought the character build-up was good. I saw it in IMAX 3D and it was great. There’s one end credit scene that build to the Justice League movie. No need to stay until the screen turns black because there isn’t another scene (I waited).

4.5 stars out of 5
PG-13 | 123 min | Action, Adventure, Comedy

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‘Robocop 2014’ Movie Review

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The ‘Robocop’ franchise is back! It’s not a bad remake. The action is pretty good, the storyline is true to the original film and Sam Jackson as Pat Novak is hilarious. If you know anything about Detroit, there are a few jokes towards politicians of the City that are mostly funny. Enjoy sites of Detroit (partially filmed in Detroit). Overall, I think it’s worth checking out and I hope a sequel is made…besides anything Sam Jackson touches turns to gold, right? LOL.

3.5 Stars out of 5
PG 13 108 min – Action | Crime | Sci-Fi

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